Our Special Scholarships Deadline is January 31 at 11:59 PM (CST) - APPLY NOW.

Testing Center

Testing Center 

If students miss an exam or require testing accommodations, they may take the exam in the Testing Center located in the Student Success Center on the first floor of Dugan Library.

  1. Contact your instructor to arrange for the exam to be sent to the Student Success Center via the Test Center Submission Form.
  2. Schedule an appointment
    Watch this video on how to schedule an appointment.
  3. Log in with your student ID, select the blue "New Appointment" button from the dashboard, search for your name, then choose Testing Appointment (computer) OR Testing Appointment (no computer) depending on your testing needs. Select the date you'd like to take this exam and the entire time frame you'll need to complete it. Finalize your appointment! You will receive confirmation and reminder emails. 
    1. The first available testing time slot is 8:30 AM. If you are required to take a test earlier than 8:30, faculty should contact the Student Success Center in advance. 
    2. The last available testing time is 3:30 or 4:00 depending on length of time for the exam.
    3. All exams must be completed by 4:30 PM.
  4. Go to the Student Success Center and take your exam at the scheduled time. (You must have photo ID to take an exam!)

Please note, students will be required to leave all personal items, including cell phones, smart watches, bags, hoodies, jackets and hats with the student worker at the front desk before taking their test.