Disability Services

Welcome to the Newman University ADA services page! Our goal is to ensure that all students have equal access to educational opportunities at Newman by determining ADA eligibility and providing reasonable accommodations.

As the student, it is your responsibility to bring your need for accommodation to our attention. This need must be due to a qualifying disability. You can request accommodation through the Student Success Center. Parents, staff, and facility cannot contact the Student Success Center for a student. Parents of students over the age of 18, must have an academic FERPA waiver on file with the Registrar’s Office for staff to discuss a student’s accommodations.

Our staff will assist students in their request for accommodations and help them obtain other necessary support services. Once we receive proper information and have an in-person meeting with you, the Student Success Center staff will notify appropriate faculty and/or staff of your agreed-upon accommodations. Students are required to submit an ADA Accommodations Initial Request Form Packet (see link below) in order for new faculty and/or staff to be contacted regarding accommodations. Each semester an updated Semesterly Request Form must be submitted so new faculty and/or staff can be notified of accommodations (see link below). Accommodation changes based on additional diagnoses will require additional documentation.

ADA Resources

To beginning setting up your ADA accommodations, please download the ADA Accommodations Initial Request Form Packet below. We look forward to assisting you! If you have any questions feel free to contact us, contact information is listed at the bottom of the page.

ESA Information

If a student resides or will reside on campus and an ESA would provide therapeutic benefit in related to their mental health or disability, the Student Success Center can help. All ESAs in the residential halls must be approved the Student Success Center and the Director of Residence Life. Before an ESA is considered for approval, the ESA Request for Information Form must be completed by a professional health care provider and the ESA Residence Hall Policy must be completed and submitted.  The initial request for an ESA may be made using the ESA Information Packet and Forms (see link below). Part of this documentation includes sign-off from all roommates.  These signatures are required if roommates change at any time.  If roommates change, use the ESA Residence Halls Agreement form (see link below).

The Student Success Center
Newman University Dugan
3100 McCormick St
Wichita, Kansas 67213

Contact:  Lawna Kurtyka--Academic Intervention Specialist

Phone: 316-942-4291 ext. 2319
Email: [email protected]

The two laws that govern disability accommodations in higher education are Title III of the Americans with Disabilities Act (Title III is specifically for non-public schools) and Section 504 of the 1973 Rehabilitation Act. Please note though, K-12 education is governed by different laws than institutions of higher education, and so academic accommodations may work differently at Newman than you may have experienced before arriving, a high school IEP does not carry over to higher level learning.