Our Special Scholarships Deadline is January 31 at 11:59 PM (CST) - APPLY NOW.

MBA - Application Process

Admission Criteria

Undergraduate degree (any major)
Minimum GPA:  3.0 overall or 3.2 in the final 60 hours of coursework
GRE is not required

For admission to the MBA program, the application steps below must be fulfilled. 

Application Steps

Step 1 - Apply to Newman University Graduate Program

Apply Online

$35 application fee applies

Step 2 - Request Transcripts

Please request official transcripts documenting from all prior graduate and undergraduate institutions you have attended. 

Visit the school website(s) or use an online transcript request service such as the Student Clearinghouse to request transcripts.  Transcripts can be sent electronically to [email protected] 

Note: If you are a Newman University graduate, you do not need to request transcripts.

Step 3 - Writing Sample

Please submit a written essay using this document. The essay must be at least 750 words answering the following: What are your career goals and how will an MBA from Newman University assist you in achieving those goals? 

Thank you for your interest in the MBA program.