Our Special Scholarships Deadline is January 31 at 11:59 PM (CST) - APPLY NOW.

Residence Life Forms

Residence Hall Requests and Applications

Once you move out of the residence halls permanently (by moving off-campus for your junior or senior year or graduating from NU) you can fill out a Housing Deposit Refund Request Form to get back your Housing Deposit. This request must be submitted no more than 30 days after vacating the residence halls in order to receive your deposit back. If there are damages to your residence hall room or you owe Newman University a balance, your Housing Deposit will go toward that balance.

* Newman University has a freshman and sophomore on-campus living requirement. Students that meet the criteria (listed on the form) may apply for an exemption to the policy by filling out and submitting the Off-Campus Waiver Request and the Parent/Guardian Permission Form:

  1. Off-Campus Waiver Request 
  2. Parent/Legal Guardian Confirmation

BOTH the Off-Campus Waiver Request AND Parent/Legal Guardian Confirmation pages must be printed off and submitted together to the address below. Emailed submissions will not be accepted unless they are in PDF format in which both student and parent/legal guardian signatures are visible. The Housing and Meal Plan Exceptions Committee will review your request and inform you if your request has been denied.

Returning Resident Forms

Students who are returning to on-campus resident housing are required to pay a non-refundable $75 deposit using the form linked below.

Other Forms