What are articulation agreements?
Articulation agreements are designed to build strong partnerships between community colleges and four-year institutions.
Below are the area institutions and their corresponding course lists which transfer to Newman and meet the Newman Studies Program requirements. Institutions interested in an articulation agreement with Newman University are invited to contact the Office of Academic Affairs.
Select your college below to view transferable programs
Allen County Community College

Barton County Community College

Butler Community College

- NSP Equivalencies
- Accounting
- Art
- Biochemistry
- Biology BA
- Biology Bio Teacher
- Biology Biomed Research
- Biology General Biology
- Biology Pre-Chiropractic
- Biology Pre-Dentistry
- Biology Pre-Medical Technology
- Biology Pre-Medicine
- Biology Pre-Occupational Therapy
- Biology Pre-Optometry
- Biology Pre-Pharmacy
- Biology Pre-Physical Therapy
- Biology Pre-Physician Assistant
- Biology Pre-Veterinary Medicine
- Biomedical Science
- Business Data Analytics
- Chemistry BA
- Chemistry-Forensic Science
- Chemistry-Industrial
- Chemistry-PrePharmacy
- Chemistry-Research
- Chemistry-Teaching
- Communication
- Criminal Justice
- Education ECU
- Education Elementary
- Education-Secondary Biology
- Education-Secondary Chemistry
- Education-Secondary English
- Education-Secondary Hist/Gov
- Education-Secondary Mathematics
- Education-Secondary Physics
- Education-Secondary Speech/Theatre
- English
- Finance
- Healthcare Sci Business
- Healthcare Sci PsySoc
- History BA
- History BS
- Management
- Marketing
- Math Actuarial Science
- Math Data Science
- Math General Mathematics
- Math Secondary Education
- Nursing
- Organizational Leadership
- Philosophy
- Psychology
- Radiologic Technology
- Respiratory Care
- Social Work Substance Abuse
- Social Work SS Diverse Populations
- Sociology
- Sonography
- Sports Media & Promotion-Entertain & Promo
- Sports Media & Promotion-Media
- Theatre General Theatre
- Theatre Performance
- Theatre Technical
- Theology
Cloud County Community College

Coffeyville Community College

Colby County Community College

Cowley College

- NSP Equivalencies
- Cowley Accounting
- Cowley Art
- Cowley Biochemistry
- Cowley Biology BA
- Cowley Biology Bio Teacher
- Cowley Biology Biomedical Research
- Cowley Biology-General
- Cowley Biology Pre-Chiropractic
- Cowley Biology Pre-Dentistry
- Cowley Biology Pre-Med Tech
- Cowley Biology Pre-Medicine
- Cowley Biology Pre-Occupational Therapy
- Cowley Biology Pre-Optometry
- Cowley Biology Pre-Pharmacy
- Cowley Biology Pre-PT
- Cowley Biology Pre-PA
- Cowley Biology Pre-Vet Med
- Cowley Biomedical Science
- Cowley BDA
- Cowley Chemistry BA
- Cowley Chemistry-Forensic Sci
- Cowley Chemistry-Industrial
- Cowley Chemistry-PrePharmacy
- Cowley Chemistry-Research
- Cowley Chemistry-Teaching
- Cowley Communication
- Cowley Criminal Justice
- Cowley Education-ECU
- Cowley Education-Elementary
- Education-Secondary Biology
- Cowley Education-Secondary Chemistry
- Education-Secondary English
- Education-Secondary Hist/Gov
- Education-Secondary Mathematics
- Cowley Education-Secondary Physics
- Cowley Education-Secondary Speech/Theatre
- Cowley English
- Cowley Finance
- Cowley Healthcare Science-Business
- Cowley Healthcare Science-Psy_Soc
- Cowley History BA
- Cowley History BS
- Cowley Management
- Cowley Marketing
- Cowley Math-Actuarial Science
- Cowley Math-Data Science
- Cowley Math-General Mathematics
- Cowley Math-Secondary Education
- Cowley Nursing BSN
- Cowley Org Leadership
- Cowley Philosophy
- Cowley Psychology
- Cowley Rad Tech
- Cowley Respiratory Care
- Cowley Social Work-Substance Abuse
- Cowley Social Work-SSDP
- Cowley Sociology
- Cowley Sonography
- Cowley Sports Media & Promotion-Entertain & Promo
- Cowley Sports Media & Promotion-Media
- Cowley Theatre-General
- Cowley Theatre-Performance
- Cowley Theatre-Technical
- Cowley Theology
Dodge City Community College

- NSP Equivalencies
- DC3 Accounting
- DC3 Art
- DC3 Biochemistry
- DC3 Biology BA
- DC3 Biology Bio Teacher
- DC3 Biology Biomed Research
- DC3 Biology Gen Bio
- DC3 Biology Pre-Chiropractic
- DC3 Biology Pre-Dentistry
- DC3 Biology Pre-Med Tech
- DC3 Biology Pre-Med
- DC3 Biology Pre-Occup Therapy
- DC3 Biology Pre-Optometry
- DC3 Biology Pre-Pharmacy
- DC3 Biology Pre-PT
- DC3 Biology Pre-PA
- DC3 Biology Pre-Vet Med
- DC3 Biomedical Science
- DC3 Chemistry BA
- DC3 Chemistry-Forensic Sci
- DC3 Chemistry-Industrial
- DC3 Chemistry-PrePharm
- DC3 Chemistry-Research
- DC3 Chemistry-Teaching
- DC3 Communication
- DC3 Criminal Justice
- DC3 Education-ECU
- DC3 Education-Elementary
- DC3 Education-Secondary Biology
- DC3 Education-Secondary Chemistry
- DC3 Education-Secondary English
- DC3 Education-Secondary HistGov
- DC3 Education-Secondary Math
- DC3 Education-Secondary Physics
- DC3 Education-Secondary Speech/Theatre
- DC3 English
- DC3 Finance
- DC3 Healthcare Science-Business
- DC3 Healthcare Science-PsySoc
- DC3 History BA
- DC3 History BS
- DC3 Management
- DC3 Marketing
- DC3 Math-Actuarial Science
- DC3 Math-Data Science
- DC3 Math-General Math
- DC3 Math-Secondary Education
- DC3 Nursing BSN
- DC3 Org Leadership
- DC3 Philosophy
- DC3 Psychology
- DC3 Rad Tech
- DC3 Respiratory Care
- DC3 Social Work-SSDP
- DC3 Social Work-Substance Abuse
- DC3 Sociology
- DC3 Sonography
- DC3 Sports Media & Promotion-Entertain & Promo
- DC3 Sports Media & Promotion-Media
- DC3 Theatre-Gen Theatre
- DC3 Theatre-Performance
- DC3 Theatre-Technical
- DC3 Theology
Fort Scott Community College

Garden City Community College

- NSP Equivalencies
- GCCC Accounting
- GCCC Art
- GCCC Biochemistry
- GCCC Biology BA
- GCCC Biology Bio Teacher
- GCCC Biology Biomedical Research
- GCCC Biology Gen Bio
- GCCC Biology Pre-Chiropractic
- GCCC Biology Pre-Dentistry
- GCCC Biology Pre-Med Tech
- GCCC Biology Pre-Med
- GCCC Biology Pre-Occup Therapy
- GCCC Biology Pre-Optometry
- GCCC Biology Pre-Pharmacy
- GCCC Biology Pre-PT
- GCCC Biology Pre-PA
- GCCC Biology Pre-Vet Med
- GCCC Biomedical Science
- GCCC Chemistry BA
- GCCC Chemistry-Forensic Sci
- GCCC Chemistry-Industrial
- GCCC Chemistry-PrePharm
- GCCC Chemistry-Research
- GCCC Chemistry-Teaching
- GCCC Communication
- GCCC Criminal Justice
- GCCC Education-ECU
- GCCC Education-Elementary
- GCCC Education-Secondary Biology
- GCCC Education-Secondary Chemistry
- GCCC Education-Secondary English
- GCCC Education-Secondary HistGovt
- GCCC Education-Secondary Math
- GCCC Education-Secondary Physics
- GCCC Education-Secondary Speech/Theatre
- GCCC English
- GCCC Finance
- GCCC Healthcare Science-Business
- GCCC Healthcare Science-PsySoc
- GCCC History BA
- GCCC History BS
- GCCC Management
- GCCC Marketing
- GCCC Math-Actuarial Science
- GCCC Math-Data Science
- GCCC Math-General Math
- GCCC Math-Secondary Education
- GCCC Nursing BSN
- GCCC Org Leadership
- GCCC Philosophy
- GCCC Psychology
- GCCC Rad Tech
- GCCC Respiratory Care
- GCCC Social Work-SSDP
- GCCC Social Work-Substance Abuse
- GCCC Sociology
- GCCC Sonography
- GCCC Sports Media & Promotion-Entertain & Promo
- GCCC Sports Media & Promotion-Media
- GCCC Theatre-Gen Theatre
- GCCC Theatre-Performance
- GCCC Theatre-Technical
- GCCC Theology
Highland Community College

Hutchinson Community College

- NSP Equivalencies
- Hutch Accounting
- Hutch Art
- Hutch Biochemistry
- Hutch Biology BA
- Hutch Biology Bio Teacher
- Hutch Biomedical Science
- Hutch Biology Biomed Research
- Hutch Biology General Bio
- Hutch Biology Pre-Chiropractic
- Hutch Biology Pre-Dentistry
- Hutch Biology Pre-Med Tech
- Hutch Biology Pre-Med
- Hutch Biology Pre-Occupational Therapy
- Hutch Biology Pre-Optometry
- Hutch Biology Pre-Pharmacy
- Hutch Biology Pre-PT
- Hutch Biology Pre-PA
- Hutch Biology Pre-Vet Med
- Hutch BDA
- Hutch Chemistry BA
- Hutch Chemistry-Forensic Sci
- Hutch Chemistry-Industrial
- Hutch Chemistry-PrePharmacy
- Hutch Chemistry-Research
- Hutch Chemistry-Teaching
- Hutch Communication
- Hutch Criminal Justice
- Hutch Education-ECU
- Hutch Education-Elementary
- Hutch Education-Secondary Biology
- Hutch Education-Secondary Chemistry
- Hutch Education-Secondary English
- Hutch Education-Secondary Hist/Gov
- Hutch Education-Secondary Mathematics
- Hutch Education-Secondary Physics
- Hutch Education-Secondary Speech/Theatre
- Hutch English
- Hutch Finance BBA
- Hutch Healthcare Science-Business
- Hutch Healthcare Science-Psy Soc
- Hutch History BA
- Hutch History BS
- Hutch Management BBA
- Hutch Marketing BBA
- Hutch Math-Actuarial Science
- Hutch Math-Data Science
- Hutch Math-General Mathematics
- Hutch Math-Secondary Education
- Hutch Nursing BSN
- Hutch Org Leadership
- Hutch Philosophy
- Hutch Psychology
- Hutch Rad Tech
- Hutch Respiratory Care
- Hutch Sociology
- Hutch Social Work Substance Abuse
- Hutch Social Work SSDP
- Hutch Sonography
- Hutch Sports Media & Promotion-Entertain & Promo
- Hutch Sports Media & Promotion-Media
- Hutch Theatre-General
- Hutch Theatre-Performance
- Hutch Theatre-Technical
- Hutch Theology
Independence Community College

Johnson County Community College

Kansas City Kansas Community College

Labette Community College

Neosho Community College

Pratt Community College

- NSP Equivalencies
- Pratt Accounting
- Pratt Art
- Pratt Biochemistry
- Pratt Biology BA
- Pratt Biology Bio Teacher
- Pratt Biology Biomedical Research
- Pratt Biology Gen Bio
- Pratt Biology Pre-Chiropractic
- Pratt Biology Pre-Dentistry
- Pratt Biology Pre-Med Tech
- Pratt Biology Pre-Med
- Pratt Biology Pre-Occup Therapy
- Pratt Biology Pre-Optometry
- Pratt Biology Pre-Pharmacy
- Pratt Biology Pre-PT
- Pratt Biology Pre-PA
- Pratt Biology Pre-Vet Med
- Pratt Biomedical Science
- Pratt BDA
- Pratt Chemistry BA
- Pratt Chemistry-Forensic Sci
- Pratt Chemistry-Industrial
- Pratt Chemistry-PrePharm
- Pratt Chemistry-Research
- Pratt Chemistry-Teaching
- Pratt Communication
- Pratt Criminal Justice
- Pratt Education-ECU
- Pratt Education-Elementary
- Pratt Education-Secondary Biology
- Pratt Education-Secondary Chemistry
- Pratt Education-Secondary English
- Pratt Education-Secondary HistGovt
- Pratt Education-Secondary Math
- Pratt Education-Secondary Physics
- Pratt Education-Secondary Speech/Theatre
- Pratt English
- Pratt Finance
- Pratt Healthcare Science-Business
- Pratt Healthcare Science-PsySoc
- Pratt History BA
- Pratt History BS
- Pratt Management
- Pratt Marketing
- Pratt Math-Actuarial Science
- Pratt Math-Data Science
- Pratt Math-General Mathematics
- Pratt Math-Secondary Education
- Pratt Nursing BSN
- Pratt Org Leadership
- Pratt Philosophy
- Pratt Psychology
- Pratt Rad Tech
- Pratt Respiratory Care
- Pratt Social Work SSDP
- Pratt Social Work-Substance Abuse
- Pratt Sociology
- Pratt Sonography
- Pratt Sports Media & Promotion-Entertain & Promo
- Pratt Sports Media & Promotion-Media
- Pratt Theatre-Gen Theatre
- Pratt Theatre-Performance
- Pratt Theatre-Technical
- Pratt Theology
Seward County Community College

WSU Tech

Dual Degree Programs
The Three-Two Occupational Therapy Option offers students an opportunity to earn a bachelor's degree and a master's degree in five years instead of the six years it typically requires. To participate, students would complete three years at Newman University, taking courses required for a bachelor of arts degree with a major in biology. As part of their undergraduate program, students would also take prerequisite courses for the occupational therapy program. Upon completion of their undergraduate courses, they would make application to Washington University to complete the remaining two years of courses for a master's degree in occupational therapy. When the first year in the master's program is successfully completed, students will apply for a bachelor's degree from Newman, then continue at Washington University to complete the master's degree in occupational therapy.
A dual degree program in biology and medical technology is offered to students who complete the general education and major requirements for a bachelor of arts degree with a major in biology at Newman and then transfer to Wichita State University to complete a bachelor's degree with a major in medical technology. Credits from the medical technology program at Wichita State University will be accepted as transfer credit to allow students to meet the total hour requirement for a bachelor's degree from Newman.
Transfer Credit Policy
Credit is accepted from other regionally accredited institutions of higher education, approved standardized examinations (CLEP, DANTES, AP, etc.), and specifically approved professional programs. The maximum amount of community college transfer credit which may be applied to a baccalaureate degree is 62 credit hours. (Sixty-two (62) credit hours from a four-year college/university are required for a bachelor's degree.) This limit, however, may vary depending on the program in which the student is enrolled.
Correspondence courses may be transfer credit from other institutions of higher education and are limited to 15 credit hours. The number of transfer hours is posted on the student's Newman transcript. Individual courses are not listed but rather the number of credit hours from each school attended. The recorded cumulative grade point average for the transfer student is calculated only on credit earned through Newman University. An Associate of Arts or Associate of Science degree from a regionally accredited two-year college will meet the requirements for Skills courses and some General Education courses. These students are required to take a maximum of six courses to complete the Newman Studies Program: one theology course and one philosophy course from the General Education level as well as the four required core courses.
International Baccalaureate (IB)
INTERNATIONAL BACCALAUREATE is a comprehensive program of study for high school students which culminates in examinations for the international baccalaureate diploma. Newman University will grant up to 30 hours credit to students who score 4, 5, 6 or 7. International Baccalaureate credit is considered transfer credit and no grade is assigned for course(s) in which credit is granted. Course equivalences are approved by department faculty, and a complete list of equivalencies may be downloaded here.
Advanced Placement
ADVANCED PLACEMENT is a special educational program enabling students to complete college level courses in certain disciplines in high school. In order to qualify for college credit, a student must earn a score of 3, 4 or 5 on the Advanced Placement Examinations offered each May by the College Entrance Examination Board. Advanced Placement credit is considered transfer credit and no grade is assigned for course(s) in which credit is granted. Course equivalencies are approved by department faculty, and a complete list of equivalencies may be downloaded here.