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Graduate Social Work Association

Student Association of Social Workers SASW

The Student Association of Social Work (SASW) at Newman University recognizes and believes that student participation is a necessary component to complete the social work learning experience.


The Social Work Student Association (SWSA) is dedicated to making a difference in the lives of others as well as our members. We strive as a group to bring a strong awareness to social work, and the opportunities it offers, through dedication, compassion, and integrity. We also seek to provide information and resources that emphasize our roles and impact as future social workers. We are committed to bringing together our peers, our professors, and individuals from our community to promote health and wellness, family, friends, diversity, equality, social justice, and many other values that social work has to offer.  SWSA is open to any students interested in promoting social justice and working toward social change. The purpose of the organization is to integrate and educate while advocating and empowering social work students who are interested in the school social work profession

The SWSA is committed to:

  • Representing the core values and ethical principles of the social work profession, the Council on Social Work Education, and the National Association of Social Workers’ Code of Ethics.
  • Advocating for fellow social work students, our campus community, and our surrounding professional communities to meet professional, student, and client needs.
  • Embracing the full diversity of race, creed, national origin, gender, culture, class, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, and ability, which make up our student body. 


2022-23 Officers


Chase Gaumond

Vice President:  

Brian Adams


Darlene Truesdell


Phi Alpha Honor Society

The purpose of Phi Alpha Honor Society is to provide a closer bond among students of social work and promote humanitarian goals and ideas. Phi Alpha fosters high standards of education for social workers and invites into membership those who have attained excellence in scholarship and achievement in social work.

MSW Eligibility for Phi Alpha Membership

A Graduate student is eligible for membership after achieving the following requirements:

  • Completion of 9 graduate level social work credits.
  • A GPA of 3.75 or higher

Phi Alpha Chapter

Lambda Upsilon

Newman University

Advisor: Lindsey Stillwell

Email: [email protected]

Phi Alpha Graduation Regalia: https://phialpha.org/shop/


Phi Gamma Mu Honor Society

Pi Gamma Mu was founded in 1924 at the College of William & Mary in Virginia and Southwestern College in Kansas. The honor society is a member of, and provides leadership to, the national Association of College Honor Societies. Pi Gamma Mu recognizes academic excellence in the fields of anthropology, criminal justice, economics, cultural geography, history, international relations, social philosophy, social work, sociology, political science, and psychology. 

MSW Eligibility for Phi Gamma Mu Membership

Graduate or Professional Student Members – Any graduate or professional student who is a candidate for an advanced degree in a Social Science field at a college or university with a Pi Gamma Mu chapter may be invited to membership if s/he has successfully completed nine or more graduate hours and fulfills all local chapter requirements.

Pi Gamma Mu Chapter

Kansas Theta

Newman University

Advisor: Dr. Larry Heck

Email: [email protected]

Phi Gamma Mu Graduation Regalia: https://www.pigammamu.org/store.html