90th Initiatives: Endowments

Pillars of Progress Subhead

90 new major gifts for NU's 90th anniversary

Empower the future by contributing to a new endowed or major gift funds. From scholarships, program funds, faculty development, athletics, to capital projects, every donation will pave the way for extraordinary opportunities. Be a pillar of progress and leave a lasting legacy at Newman University.

Types of Endowments

For both types of endowments, restricted and unrestricted, the university secures the principal of your fund while the interest earned is used in different ways depending on the type of endowment.


The principal of your fund is invested and secured by Newman University. The interest earned from your fund is allocated to an endowment fund of your choosing. For example, you may choose to create a new endowment scholarship to honor a loved one.


The principal of your fund is invested and secured by Newman University. The interest earned from your fund is used by Newman University to do many great things such as building renovations, state-of-the-art technology, and much more.