Classroom Learning Assistants

What is a Classroom Learning Assistant?

A Classroom Learning Assistant is a peer who works closely with the instructor as a member of the instructional team to engage students in group problem-solving, create relevant study materials, co-create engagement activities, and host group review and study sessions outside of class. They are students who have already succeeded in the class and are now helping current students to succeed in the class.  

How Do I Know if My Class has a Learning Assistant?

Your instructor and Learning Assistant will appear together on the landing page of your Canvas course. While LAs are currently providing support only for STEM classes, you will soon see them populating courses in other disciplines as well. During Fall '24, you will find LAs in these classes:

  • ACCT 2113B, Financial Accounting (Nance), TR 9:25-10:40

  • BIOL 1013A, Gen Bio 1 (Goad), MWF 9-9:50

  • CHEM 1010A, Gen Chem 1, and CHEM1010C (Oberley)
  • MATH1043A, College Algebra (Sponsel), MWF 10-10:50

  • MATH 1042A, Supplemental College Algebra (Sponsel),TR 1-1:50

  • PHSC 2013, Physics 1 (Huschka), MWF 11-11:50

I want to become an LA.  What do I need to do?

Review the Frequently Asked Questions  to determine your if you are eligible. Then email your chosen instructor requesting a nomination, and direct them to submit your name to the Center for Teaching & Learning (CTL), [email protected].  At that point, the CTL will contact you to initiate the application process.