Registered Student Organizations
Registered Student Organizations (RSO) allow students to build communities through connections made by common interests and identities. These communities will provide opportunities for students to develop their leadership, promote awareness of issues, expand professional and personal competencies, and engage with Newman University and local communities outside of the classroom.
Organization Registration
Click below to complete the online registration for proposing a new club/organization or to register an existing club/organization for the new academic year.
Organization Registration Form
Registered Student Organization Events
Registered student organizations are required to complete the Student Organization Event Registration Form in order to hold an organization-sponsored event.
Registered Student Organization Manual
The Student Organization Manual explains some basic policies and procedures you need to know as a student organization at Newman University. The purpose of this handbook is to provide information and policies for the success of your programs and activities.
Registered Student Organizations
Campus Activities Board (CAB)
RSO Type: Recreational/Social
Mission: CAB aims to create community events that brings all students together in fun, fellowship, and education fostering an environment that breaks barriers and builds bridges.
Chair: Travia Smith
Advisor: Joshua Schoenecker-Prilliman
Campus Ministry
RSO Type: Faith-Based/Religious
Campus Ministry Mission: Campus Ministry exists to bring Jesus Christ to Newman University's community. To this end, Campus Ministry provides a robust sacramental life to inspire personal holiness, fellowship to foster a supportive faith community, service to bring Christ's love to others, faith formation to deepen understanding, and outreach to support the whole Newman community. Campus Ministry is structured primarily around Catholic traditions and practices while also welcoming and supporting the practice and expression of other faith traditions.
President: Isabel Porres
Advisor: Father Edmund Herzog
Newman Circle K International (CKI)
RSO Type: Service/Philanthropic
CKI Mission: Circle K International is the world's largest student-led collegiate service organization, with thousands of members on hundreds of campuses on five continents across the globe. CKI is the collegiate branch of the Kiwanis International family. Being one of these chapters Newman CKI upholds the commitment to develop leaders by offering unique service, leadership, and fellowship opportunities that not only change the world by change member's lives. CKI members leave college with real-life networking and advocating skills AND service leadership. CKI members are dedicated to childhood development, environmental justice, serving those who are food insecure or lack housing and mental health. We also partner with UNICEF USA to raise awareness about the need for clean drinking water worldwide.
President: Laura Le
Advisor: Amanda Wills
Ecology Club
Mission: To promote eco-friendliness and share our love of nature.
President: Ashleigh Pamatmat
Advisor: Alan Oberly
Gaming Club, The
Type: Social
Mission: The Gaming Club aims to provide a fun and exciting environment for both students and faculty through games and other activities. The purpose of the club is to create joyful and long-lasting memories within the campus community. We encourage all members to bring new games and ideas to the table so that the Newman community can be brought closer together. We want to express passion, joy, adventure, and community.
President: Faith Crabb
Advisor: Clark Castle
Hispanic-American Leadership Organization (HALO)
RSO Type: Multicultural
Mission: Dedicated to promoting Hispanic/Latinx culture on campus and throughout the Wichita community.
President: Melissa Arguijo
Advisors: Amy Ponce and Sonja Bontrager
Jets For Life
RSO: Educational/Service
Jets for Life is the Pro-Life club at Newman University. This club aims to participate in Newman University’s mission and code by encouraging a culture that holds all life to have inherent dignity. This includes the unborn, struggling mothers, those with disabilities, and the elderly. By focusing on education, support, and service, we can cultivate a culture of love and dignity for all persons.
President: Kaylee McNeill
Advisor: John Brungardt
Multicultural Leadership Organization (MCLO)
RSO Type: Multicultural
MCLO Mission: MCLO is a student organization that promotes cultural awareness, unity, and leadership.
President: Sofia Lowen
Advisor: Katherine Reynoso
Newman University Medical Professions Committee
Mission: To provide support and community for Newman’s pre-medical professions students as well as to be a source of information and resource for all students interested in pre-medical professions.
President: Emily Pachta
Advisor: Michael Bradley
Residence Hall Association
President: Martina Lolli
Advisor: Ian Lecki
Science Technology Engineering Math Club
Mission: To encourage and promote STEM related endeavors and confidence in a positive, social environment.
President: Mary Sicard
Advisors: Ryan Huschka and Daryl Goad
Sloppy Joes Improv Troupe
Captains: Daniel Cubias and Isaac Iseman
Advisor: Mark Mannette
Student Athletic Advisory Committee (SAAC)
RSO Type: Recreational/Athletic
SAAC Mission: To ensure and enhance the student-athlete experience through prompting opportunities within the university, athletic department, and outside community while providing a facet to serve and protect the interests and image of the student-athlete.
President: Aiden Coffelt
Advisor: Maureen Rohleder
Student Government Association
RSO Type: Political/Academic
Mission: To act as the official representative voice of the student body of Newman University, to have a major role in the decision making of the University, to promote the academic, cultural, and spiritual wellbeing of the Newman Community, to facilitate communication among administrators, faculty, staff, and students of Newman University, to promote meaningful student leadership and involvement on campus, and to ultimately advance the mission of Newman University,
President: Alondra Valle
Advisor: Andi Giesen
STEM Club (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics)
RSO Type: Academic
STEM Club Mission: To advocate for STEM field activities and opportunities while striving to affect positive change in the Newman and Wichita community at large and its members' lives.
President: Daniel Knolla
Advisor: Barbara Sponsel
Newman Theatre Club (NTC)
RSO Type: Art or Theatre
Newman Theatre Club Mission: To promote an interest in theatre, both at Newman University and in the Wichita community. To help provide students with opportunities to attend theatrical productions, to increase attendance and participation in theatre productions at Newman University.
President: Corbin Molina
Advisor: Mark Mannette
Vantage Newspaper, The
RSO Type: Academic
Vantage mission: Writers, editors, photographers and more working together to inform, entertain, and inspire the student body and bring its voice to the forefront of the university's attention and conversation.
Editor in Chief: Victor Dixon
Advisor: Denise Neil