Our Special Scholarships Deadline is January 31 at 11:59 PM (CST) - APPLY NOW.

Student Organizations

Club & Organization Registration

Click below to complete the online registration for proposing a new club/organization or to register and existing club/organization for the new academic year.

Club/Org Registration Form

Campus Activities Board

The Campus Activities Board (CAB) is the main programming group for students. The board sponsors party nights, recreational activities, movie nights and educational programs, as well as campus traditions such as Homecoming Week and Charity Week. 


Student Government Association

The Student Government Association (SGA) represents the students and conveys their needs to the faculty and administration. All students are members of this organization and are represented by elected officers and representatives. 

Visit the SGA Page

Student Ministers

Student Ministers develop and coordinate spiritual programs and activities for other students. 

Visit the Campus Ministry Page

Contact Director of Student Activities for information on any organization.

Register to Vote

The 1998 Reauthorization of The Higher Education Act requires colleges and universities to distribute voter registration forms to all students before federal or gubernatorial elections. This requirement was enacted because of low voter turnout among college students.

If you want to register to vote, please click on the application below for the correct state and follow the directions on the form. If you have any questions, please contact the Student Affairs Office at 316-942-4291 ext. 2453.  Forms are also available in the Registrar’s Office in Sacred Heart Room 230.