Our Special Scholarships Deadline is January 31 at 11:59 PM (CST) - APPLY NOW.

Master in Theological Studies

The Master in Theological Studies degree (M.T.S.) is intended to deepen the theological understanding of diocesan catechists and teachers of religion. It prepares students to explore and explain the Catholic theological tradition and provides a solid grounding in that tradition. The program is intended for those working in catechetical ministry in a Roman Catholic context and anticipates questions that frequently arise in the classroom and during the RCIA process.

Prominent Careers

The MTS program prepares students to teach in Catholic high schools, apply to hospital chaplaincy programs, or work in parishes or diocesan offices. It also prepares lay people to teach classes in Parish Schools of Religion (PSR), teach or direct the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) and participate in other parochial ministries.

The Department of theology offers two degrees in its graduate program of theology. The Master in Theological Studies (MTS) provides a solid grounding in the Catholic theological tradition and is intended for those working in parish ministry in a Roman Catholic context. The Master of Arts (MA) in Theology has more rigorous requirements and is intended to prepare students to teach theology in a classroom setting as well as preparing those interested in pursuing doctoral work in theology. The MA degree requires some different course work than the MTS degree; it also requires the completion of a thesis and a comprehensive examination, as well as foreign language requirements, none of which are required for the MTS.

The programs have been endorsed by the Catholic Dioceses of Wichita, Dodge City, and Salina.

Program Curriculum
