Kolton Landreth

Educational Background

  • High School Diploma – Campus High School
  • Associate of Arts – Barton Community College
  • Bachelor of Arts; International Relations and Global Security with a Minor in Middle Eastern Studies – American Public University
  • Currently pursuing Master of Arts; Human Rights and Social Justice – Arizona State University

What’s your favorite spot on Newman’s campus?

  • Alumni Center Balcony!

What would be your number-one tip for the admissions process?

  • Know your deadlines!

What is your most memorable undergraduate experience?

  • Meeting my best friend Lacey who has become like a sister to me!

What is your ideal vacation destination? 

  • Greek Islands
  • The Middle East
    • Specifically, Egypt and the Red Sea/Mediterranean Sea


  • I love to write, travel, cook, swim, paint, learn new languages and cultures, and spend time with family.

What is your favorite song?

  • So, I have two!
    • Easy On Me by Adele
    • Keys 2 the Moon by Seinabo Sey

If you could have super powers what would they be and why?

  • Teleportation! I would save so much money and time on airfare!
What are five things you cannot live without?
  • My dog, Louie!
  • My other half, Hayati!
  • My family and friends!
  • The ocean!
  • Feter (Egyptian food, IT IS DELICIOUS!)!
Admissions Counselor
Enrollment Management
316-942-4291 ext. 2125
Office: SH215d
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