Emily Simon

I grew up in a large family and attended school here in Wichita. After graduating from Newman University and spending a brief year teaching English in South Korea, I've returned to support the mission of the college that changed my life. I enjoy learning obscure history, watching Korean dramas, listening to movie soundtracks that make you cry, finding a fantasy map at the beginning of my latest read, browsing the shelves at my local library, and exploring each and every coffee shop in this city. I adopted a cat in South Korea and she now resides with me, my two roommates, and four other cats!

Work Responsibilities

  • Sending out prayer requests to the Newman community
  • Providing administrative assistance to Campus Ministry and the Gerber Institute
  • Planning and coordinating Campus Ministry events and retreats
  • Assisting the Honors Program Director with student advising and scholarship opportunities
  • Coordinating Honors Program alumni involvement

Newman University
Bachelor of Arts in English and History