Our Special Scholarships Deadline is January 31 at 11:59 PM (CST) - APPLY NOW.

Sexual Assault/Harassment Contacts

Any person who believes he or she has been the victim of harassment or violence by a student, faculty member, staff member, administrator, or other University employee because of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, national origin, age, disability, and/or other status protected by federal, state, or local law should report the conduct to the Title IX Coordinator.

Students are also encouraged to speak to any member of the University full-time faculty or staff as these individuals are mandatory reporters of student complaints. The University considers notice of a student complaint to a full-time faculty member and /or staff member to be official notice to the University. The faculty member or staff member receiving the compliant is required to notify the Title IX Coordinator in writing immediately.

Title IX Coordinator

(position is currently being filled as of 9-20-23)

Director of Student Success
Student Success Center
[email protected]
316-942-4291, ext. 2453
Office: SHH302

Confidential Resources

(Faculty or Staff who are not required to report notice of a Title IX Violation)

Fr. Adam Grelinger
Campus Ministries
[email protected]
316-942-4291, ext. 2223
Office: SHH219

Jill Fort
Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs
[email protected]
316-942-4291, ext. 2175
Office: SHH326